Just wanted to write a quick post about our first official TEAM G SHOCK event! This past Sunday was the first annual Bethany Beach Firecracker 5K (to benefit the 4th of July parade). Around 7:30am, my dad, my mom (the best spectator/photographer ever), Nate & myself made our way to the bandstand to wait for the 8:00am start of the race. The race took a 2 mile loop along the main drag of Bethany and then a smaller 1.1 mile loop to finish up. Now, if you've been keeping up with our progress, you know that Nate & I had only been running about 2 miles. But that was 2 miles of hills in the TN heat and humidity. And this was 3.1 miles, all flat, with an ocean breeze...and most importantly, with my dad. The three of us (my dad, Nate & myself) set off together and stayed that way the entire time. Our first mile was completed in 10:42 (I've never claimed to be fast) and I am proud to say that we kept up that pace for the whole race. We finished strong, picking the pace up for the last 0.1 miles and got our official results last night. Here they are:
113th place - Sara Ross - 33:25
114th place - Nate Towne - 33:25
115th place - Joe Ross - 33:26
Now..these are the "official" results, but we finished hand-in-hand across the finish line. It was an amazing feeling to know that we had committed to the race, and had done better than we had expected (or at least than I had expected). We never stopped to walk or rest and we stayed together the whole time. It was a wonderful kick-off to TEAM G SHOCK and I'm so glad my dad could do it with us.
I'll post some pictures later this week once I get them off of the camera...
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Good People..And Our First Event!
Even though we've just started on this journey that is TEAM G SHOCK, I am amazed at how good people truly are. The people that have sent me messages of support, the people that have been reading this blog, and the people that have donated money to the cause. In just 2 short weeks, we are already a third of the way to our goal. That is amazing to me. The kindness that friends, family and even some people I may not speak to all that often is overwhelming. So to everyone reading this..and everyone who sends up an extra prayer for my Dad...and everyone that sends a nice note...and everyone that has donated..THANK YOU!! You are a huge huge huge inspiration to us and we appreciate it all!
On another note, our first event is this coming Sunday! The entire Ross, and some of the Parson's, clan will be taking to the streets of Bethany Beach for the first ever Bethany Beach Firecracker 5K. Again, I know its not much, but we are excited. And all of the hard work (have you ever run in Tennessee in the summer...ick) will start paying off! This is just the first of MANY (count 'em...10) events, and it should be a great kick-off. Especially since my Dad will be joining us. I've crossed the finish line with him before and I can't wait for this one. It will definitely be extra special.
So if you happen to be up on Monday at 8am (eastern) and remember, send some good thoughts our way! And keep your eyes out for some pictures of TEAM G SHOCK in action!
On another note, our first event is this coming Sunday! The entire Ross, and some of the Parson's, clan will be taking to the streets of Bethany Beach for the first ever Bethany Beach Firecracker 5K. Again, I know its not much, but we are excited. And all of the hard work (have you ever run in Tennessee in the summer...ick) will start paying off! This is just the first of MANY (count 'em...10) events, and it should be a great kick-off. Especially since my Dad will be joining us. I've crossed the finish line with him before and I can't wait for this one. It will definitely be extra special.
So if you happen to be up on Monday at 8am (eastern) and remember, send some good thoughts our way! And keep your eyes out for some pictures of TEAM G SHOCK in action!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Its The Little Things
It really is. For example, as I mentioned in my last post, on Sunday Nate & I ran the greenway. We ran to the 1 mile mark, walked for a bit, and then ran to the end. Well this time, Nate thought we should see if we could go a little further (and I agreed). Our plan was to run past the 1 mile mark to the bridge, then walk some, and then finish. But instead, we got to the 1 mile mark and felt good. Then got to the bridge and we STILL felt good. And at that point we figured that we were so far along that we might as well just finish. For those of you that are real-life runners, I realize its not much. But considering we just started running again, it was awesome. And it felt amazing that we had made some improvement already! One more run like that this week and then the big (ok, its only a 5K) race on Sunday!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Couples Skate (or Run) Only
Nate & I have never run together. Honestly, last week was the first time I ran in like 3 years, so thats not too hard to believe. But since our first big race is next Sunday, we decided we should do some training. Every Sunday (that we are in town...which isn't much in the Summer), we go for a walk around the greenway in my neighborhood. This week we thought we'd try to run it. And we did! We ran almost the whole thing to total about 2 miles running (wahoo) and then walked the mile or so back to the car through the neighborhood. I've never quite understood why but the greenway doesn't make a complete loop, so the walk or run is always a bit extended.
It was really nice to have someone else there to help motivate me (if he's still running..I can't quit!), and it was great to accomplish that together. Obviously, 2 miles isn't much in the running world, but we were pretty proud of ourselves! We've got two more runs like that planned for this week and then the big race on Sunday. Can't wait!
It was really nice to have someone else there to help motivate me (if he's still running..I can't quit!), and it was great to accomplish that together. Obviously, 2 miles isn't much in the running world, but we were pretty proud of ourselves! We've got two more runs like that planned for this week and then the big race on Sunday. Can't wait!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Happy Father's Day

When we were younger, my mom used to cross stitch things. Nothing crazy..but cute little sayings or images that she could frame and hang up. One of them was and has always been one of my favorites. It is still (I believe) hanging up in their bedroom and it says "Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad." I think it was one of my favorites because it is SO true. The moment a child is born, their father is their father..that's a given. But in order to be a dad, a man has to be truly special. He has to give up his life as he knew it - from that moment on he is there to provide for and love his child with all that he has.
That's exactly what my dad has done since the moment he became a dad. He has always been there for my brothers & I and would do ANYTHING to see us happy. He fell out of a tree and got knocked out just so we could have a tire swing that we wanted so badly. He cooked at "Chef Daddy's" when Mom went out of the town for the first time & I was scared we wouldn't eat. He provided us with the amazing experience of living overseas and seeing sights that most people don't get to see in their lifetime (even if we were whiney on some of the trips). He went to Daddy/Daughter dances with me. He taught us all to drive..and was patient all along the way, even sometimes when he probably shouldn't have been. He made us pancakes or waffles or whatever we wanted pretty much every single Saturday morning. He lets us fall down on our own but is there to pick us up when we need him. He was an Army Colonel, but still would play and laugh and watch cartoons with all of us any day. Long story short...he is an amazing father and an even more amazing dad.
Happy Father's Day to my Dad and all of the other Dads out there! :)
Mama Needs A New Pair Of Shoes
Well, actually, I already got some new shoes :) I haven't had new running shoes in about 4 years - mainly b/c I haven't done a ton of running. But, I realized it was time for some new ones when my feet hurt just from doing Zumba. So last night I dragged Nate to the mall and we found me some shoes!
I've always been a fan of New Balances for running shoes. Mainly b/c thats what my Dad has always used..and if he is 60 years old and still running and feeling good..then they can't be too bad right? :)
So here's my new kicks...and bonus..they're blue..which matches all things related to the Prostate Cancer Foundation & Athletes For A Cure!
I've always been a fan of New Balances for running shoes. Mainly b/c thats what my Dad has always used..and if he is 60 years old and still running and feeling good..then they can't be too bad right? :)
So here's my new kicks...and bonus..they're blue..which matches all things related to the Prostate Cancer Foundation & Athletes For A Cure!

Monday, June 15, 2009
I ran...I actually ran!
Since yesterday marked 2 weeks until our first 5K (and my first event in over 3 years) I woke up extra early this morning and went for a quick run. Nothing fancy..ended up being about a mile and a half, but I was pretty excited! I haven't run in FOR-EV-ER (think Sandlot), and I need new shoes. But I did it! Luckily, I have plenty of inspiration these days between my dad & all of the amazing stories that are shared on Athletes For A Cure, so its not too hard to find the will to do it.
One of the stories that I'd like to share with you all is the story of Winter Vinecki. She is a 10-year-old triathlete (that's right..I said 10) and a very very inspiring young lady.
Check out Team Winter here
If you have a moment, or are having an off day, read it and see all of the awesome things that people can do when they put their minds to it!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Our First Event!
When we came up with this idea, we thought it might take a while to get our first event going. There are plenty of 5K's and other events around Nashville, but we are literally out of town every other weekend (if not more) through August. Ridiculous!
But my dad called me the other night, and in a few weeks, our ENTIRE family (significant others included) will be heading up to our beach house in Delaware. There happens to be a 5K that weekend to benefit the local July 4th parade. It works out, so myself, my dad and Nate are going to run it (or give it a try..like I said before, its been a while!). And some of the rest of our family might run/walk it too! So keep an eye out for pictures and updates as to how it goes!
Intro to Team G Shock
Hello & welcome to Team G Shock's blog page. Let's start with what we're doing and why we're doing it. My dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer on May 1st. Feeling helpless, I searched the internet for any information I could find. I came upon the Prostate Cancer Foundation. After checking out what I could, I found another amazing organization called Athletes For A Cure. Basically, it was started by some wonderful and self-less people and its sole purpose is to raise money for the Prostate Cancer Foundation in hopes of finding a cure. It allows athletes of all ages and skill levels to participate in races or events and raise money in the process.
Now, I've played sports and been on all types of teams in my life..I've even run two 10-mile races with my Dad...but I am in no way a "runner." It's been a few years, and I'm gonna need some new shoes, but I figured, why not? If my dad has to go through treatment and whatever else, its the least I can do. So we (we being myself and Nate, my boyfriend, who has been there for me since Day 1 and has agreed to be by my side in whatever I decide to do) came up with a plan! My dad has to endure 2 rounds of hormone treatment followed by 8 weeks of radiation. So we figured..lets do 10 races. Now, as I mentioned before, we are not runners by trade or even habit. So we're starting off with 5K's. It may not be much..but its something. And we may build up to running longer races as we go, but for now we'll start with that and see where we can get!
You also might be wondering what the heck is G SHOCK? I thought long and hard about a team name..it needed to be something fun..something related to my dad and our family...just something awesome. And out of nowhere..one of my brothers came up with it. It was PERFECT. When I called my parents to tell them my mom was laughing so hard that she was crying and couldn't stop laughing enough to repeat it to my dad. Again, PERFECT. Here's the background..years and years ago my mom purchased a watch for my dad for some occasion or another. It was a Casio G-SHOCK. Basically, made to withstand ANYTHING. For some reason, my dad, my brothers and I thought that "G-SHOCK" was hilarious. And, unfortunately for my mom, teased her about it all day and all night. Nothing in particular, just kept saying "G-SHOCK!" over and over...needless to say she was not that impressed ;) But, over the years, that story has continued to make our family laugh & smile. Plus, the watches are made to withstand anything you throw at them...and my dad is gonna have a lot of stuff thrown at him...so that made it final. We finally found a name!
I hope you'll continue to follow us on here..I'll be posting everything about our progress and results, and keeping you up with how my dad is doing!
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