We hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We had a great time up in Virginia, and it all started with another 5k! On Thursday morning, we woke up bright and early and headed out to Centerville, VA for the 21st annual Virginia Run Turkey Trot! The race began at 8:00AM, but since it was so crowded we wanted to get there early. As I mentioned before our good friends the Baker's joined us, which was a lot of fun. Good to see them, and very fun to have them join Team G Shock for the day!
The race was through the Virginia Run neighborhood of Centerville and was packed! There were over 3,000 runners of ALL ages that came out, which was surprising since it was so cold out! There was also a ton of fog that morning, which made it interesting. You couldn't see too much ahead of you on the course (which I liked because you couldn't see any hills or how big they were!). It was also fun because it was so crowded and you were always in a crowd of people. In some of the races we have run, you can literally find yourself running alone for the majority of the race. But in this it was packed in the beginning, and although it spread out a bit, you were always surrounded by lots of people. And it was nice because some of the neighbors came out to cheer the runners on!
We also have a brand new Team G Shock record set by the very speedy Ted Baker! And then came myself & Nate and then Dad & Mr. Baker. Here are the official results (they don't have place-rankings for overall, so the places are in the Men's Division for everyone else and mine is out of all of the Women who ran):
65th place - Ted Baker - 19:45
875th place - Sara Ross - 32:12
1165th place - Nate Towne - 32:12
1239th place - Mr. Baker - 33:16
1241st place - Joe Ross - 33:16
We stayed after for a bit to enjoy some of the door prize drawings (although none of us were lucky winners) and for the awards. It was a great way to start off a Thanksgiving filled with family and fun! See below for some photos!

Nate, Dad & me before the race!
Dad, Ted, Nate, me & Mr. Baker before the start!

Mr. Baker snuck up to get a picture of me & Nate during the race.
We look pretty happy for a freezing cold 5k!
post-race: Nate, me, Dad, Ted & Mr. Baker