Two years ago, we ran the Pumpkins In The Park 5k in Charleston, WV when we were in town for my niece Lily's 1st birthday. Nate, me, my Dad and my oldest brother Geoff ran the race. Not to be outdone, my brother Drew decided recently to take up running. And a couple of weeks ago, he ran the same race for his first race ever! He ran with Melinda, who is one of Jenny's (my sister-in-law) relatives - it was her first race, too!
We're really proud of Drew for taking up running on his own, and for signing up for a race so quickly after he started. He did an amazing job, especially for his first race, and we're so proud to put the results and some photos up on the blog!
Here are his official results:
69th place - Melinda Snodgrass - 33:55:83
77th place - Drew Ross - 37:18:68

Drew & Melinda before the race
Drew & Melinda during the race
Big finish!

After the race - they did it!
Drew & his favorite cheerleader, Lily!
We are so proud of Drew and can not wait to run a race with him! Way to go big brudder!
That's awesome! Lily is so cute!!