Last weekend was amazing. We got to see most of my family, some of my friends, and we accomplished a goal we set almost a year ago. On Sunday, October 24th, along with my Dad, we ran the 26th Army Ten Miler. I had been lucky enough to experience the race before, although I certainly hadn't trained for it like we did the past few months. So this year I was excited to be prepared, and for Nate to experience it all - the expo, walking up to the Pentagon as the sun rose with 30,000 other people, passing by the monuments as crowds of strangers cheered us on, and crossing the finish line.
We trained hard for this race, and it definitely paid off. Our goal was to finish, and we did it! We ran with my Dad for about the first half of the race before he had to make a pit stop, and then Nate and I made our way through D.C. together until the finish line. Dad finished about 10 minutes behind us and then we all got some snacks and walked around all of the tents and people at the finish area.
There are not enough words to describe the feeling of running with that many people while bands, soldiers and complete strangers cheer you on. The Team G Shock shirts were a nice bonus since we heard "GO TEAM G SHOCK" many times along the course.
We got our official results this week, so here are those:
19541st place - Sara Ross - 2:02:32
19543rd place - Nate Towne - 2:02:33
20613rd place - Joe Ross - 2:12:07
We were so excited to run the whole race and have all of us finish strong! We took a few photos before/after and I also grabbed a few from the official photography site.

Bright & early in Arlington!
Making it official! :)
Walking around the finishers area

After the race - WE DID IT!

With my finishers coin!
We can't believe that this race was our 20th race for Team G Shock. The time has flown by and we could not have done without the support of our family & friends. Our goal was 20 races & to raise $3000 for The Prostate Cancer Foundation. We've run the races, and we've exceeded our fundraising goal. But this is certainly not the end of Team G Shock. More things are to come, and we will be updating about that soon! For now, we're going to enjoy the memories from the Army Ten Miler! GOOOOO G SHOCK!